Ype Driessen is a Dutch creator of photo comics and the author of the photographic novel The Last Gay Man on Earth. According to Publishers Weekly “a frank and funny slice of queer life”.

Since 2007 Ype has been making autobiographical photo comics for countless papers and magazines and for his website fotostrips.nl (in Dutch).

In 2020, The Last Gay Man on Earth was originally published in Dutch as Het Nadeel van de Twijfel , to commercial and critical acclaim. A French translation, Un Petit Doute en Septembre, was published in 2022.

Ype was born in Rotterdam and studied Artificial Intelligence at Utrecht University. He is a co-host of the podcast Eeuw van de Amateur and is one half of dance pop duo Popdorian. Ype is a vegetarian and lives and works in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Instagram: photocomics.me

E-mail: ype [at] photocomics.me

ype photocomic head shot